CAH CFO-Administrator Forum: CAH Cost Report Strategies
On March 12th, 2021, EqualizeRCM sponsored a forum for CFOs and CEOs of Critical Access Hospitals, where participants compared notes and shared best practices regarding Cost Report Strategies with the invited experts, Laura Gillenwater and Bert Pickard from HORNE LLP. On March 12th, Laura Gillenwater, Senior Manager with HORNE, discussed the cost report and reimbursement strategies for Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), plus the recent changes in bad debt reporting, and the special implications of COVID Relief reporting and the CARES Act for CAH facilities. The 90-minute Forum featured roundtable discussion by over 20 CEO and CFO participants. The discussion was facilitated by Darya Khripkova, Forum Moderator, and Vice President of Hospitals at EqualizeRCM Services. Trice Watts CEO of Greeley County Health Services commented, “As the CEO and CFO for our…