The CAH CFO-Administrator Forum
Our goal is to help CFO’s, CEO’s and financial administrators of Critical Access Hospitals around America connect and work with one another. We believe that by sharing knowledge and ideas, we can create a strong network of small hospitals providing essential care in rural America.
Save the Date | Uncovering Blind Spots in the Medicare Cost Report
October 15, 2024; 11:00 AM CT
Have you ever wondered if your Medicare Cost Report has any blind spots? Matt Smith, Vice President of Reimbursement at PMC will reveal the true financial impact of a Critical Access Hospital outpatient program, how it is reimbursed, and determine if there are better ways of utilizing limited resources through an analysis of available square footage. In addition, Matt will unwrap a little-known Medicare outpatient program for Critical Access Hospitals that may generate a profit.
By the end of this session, key takeaways will include:
1. Discover a time-tested methodology to discern any outpatient program success.
2. Rank order outpatient CAH services impact.
3. Analyze the financial sustainability of a high Medicare population outpatient setting.
For an invite, click here, or fill out the form to Join Us.
About the CAH CFO-Administrator Forum
- Open to CFOs or financially oriented Administrators of CAHs
- Members meet via focused, virtual events with no annual subscription fee
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Past Events
11 JUN |
Virtual Care Could be Rural Health’s Lifeline Brandy Hoell, Partner and Population Health CEO, Trilogy |
09 APR |
Navigating the Revenue Maze: Proven Reimbursement Tactics for Critical Access Hospitals Caren Puvalowski, CHFP | Rural Healthcare Reimbursement Manager, The Rybar Group, Inc |
14 DEC |
Discovering Buried Underpayments Within Your Contracts Ed Casteel, CPA, FHFMA | Partner, Trilogy Revenue Cycle Solutions |
17 OCT |
How Not to Leave Money on the Table – Cost Report & Revenue Opportunities Caren Puvalowski, CHFP | Rural Healthcare Reimbursement Manager, The Rybar Group, Inc. |
2 MAY |
Don’t Always Believe What They Tell You – Seven Myths of Rural Healthcare Robert Thorn, MBA, FACHE | Principal, Summit Healthcare Strategies, LLC. |
21 FEB |
Shaking the Trees – Advanced Cost Reporting Caren Puvalowski, CHFP | Rural Healthcare Reimbursement Manager, The Rybar Group, Inc. |