Surprise Billing
Surprise Billing Need Help? Need help understanding Out-of-Network Billing, or want to learn more about our Consulting and RCM capabilities? Reach out to our Executive Vice President, Matt Thompson, MHSM, ACMPE. M.Thompson@EqualizeRCM.com +1 (866) 330-3216 Items to Watch in 2020 How standard rates are determined Whether a process for disputes exists for providers and hospitals How out-of-network (OON) reimbursement disputes will be resolved: benchmarked to median or through dispute resolution Who settles disputes (e.g., independent third-party) The American Medical Association (AMA) and 100+ organizations are asking rate-setting/benchmarking not be the solution given:[1] Rate setting/benchmarking would "shift marketplace leverage to health insurers at the expense of providers" Rate setting/benchmarking would result in declining in-network reimbursements to the median. Or put another way, the savings and costs would be paid…