CAH CFO-Administrator Forum: CARES Funds and Audits
On December 4th, 2020, EqualizeRCM sponsored a forum for CFOs and CEOs of Critical Access Hospitals, where participants compared notes and shared best practices regarding CARES Funds and Audits with the invited expert, Rick Reid of The Rybar Group. Here are the highlights of the discussion: CAHs currently have plenty of money: “We have more money than I’ve ever seen in my career working as a CFO for CAHs.” (David Usher, CFO of Edwards County Medical Center) The guideline changes are causing hesitancy to spend Provider Relief Fund (PRF) money: “One frustration is that the guidelines have changed multiple times and healthcare entities have made decisions based on prior guidance.” (Dennis Boyd, the CFO of Cohesive Healthcare Management). It’s even more frustrating, as the consultants/accountants have lots of varying advice…