Manage Costs and Boost Cash Collections for Critical Access Hospitals – vlog
EqualizeRCM offers best practices to boost cash collections and reduce overall costs for critical access hospitals (CAHs) in the face of COVID-19 – or at any time. COVID-19 has upended community hospital operations and strategic imperatives for rural community hospitals, RHCs and other healthcare providers. In this webinar, CFO David Usher and DBO Katrina Makey lean on their combined 40 years of experience to provide concrete steps for Critical Access Hospitals, RHCs and business offices to take right now to boost cash, take advantage of deregulation in telehealth and swing beds, and more. In addition, they share their playbook – used in more than 20 CAHs to rapidly boost cash – regardless of the time. Every listener should take home at least one idea to implement in their hospital or…